We are very excited to see that SOURCE has been listed live on CoinMarketCap.com and is showing price and token metrics. This is just in time for the trading and CEX listing campaign to kickoff and will help get SOURCE noticed in the crypto markets. Coinmarketcap.com has about 5 times more visitors / views than CoinGecko and is the world's top crypto price tracking website. With this live listing $SOURCE has exposure and opportunity to be discovered by thousands of users. Not only can CEX volumes and data now be tracked, but $SOURCE can also appear in trending lists, watchlist rankings and more. If you make an account with Coinmarketcap.com you can add SOURCE to your watchlist, enter portfolio data, and set trading alerts. This is a great milestone for the #SOURCEforce community and team, and we are very excited for trading campaign to finally commence!
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If you are new to $SOURCE you may have an #airdrop from staking $ATOM. Simply connect Keplr to the SOURCE blockchain, tokens were automatically distributed. Last snapshot - February 2023. SOURCE main-net launch was October 13, 2023. Add SOURCE to Keplr using the chain registry HERE.
There are many more great things coming for #SOURCE, be sure to join our Discord or Telegram and interact with our great community. #SourceForce
Stay informed and don't miss out on all the excitement!
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Disclaimer: This blog article is for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please do your own research before making any decisions with your tokens.